This is not a form. This is the user guide for the Sierra K16 Project Proposal Form. 

Use the online form to submit proposals for funding projects up to $300,000. Deadline for submission is November 12, 2024.

Expenditures must align with the approved work plan:

1. Creating sufficient opportunities for Work Based Learning;

2. Identifying inequities with the goal of elimination in access, participation, and completion of pathways in Computer Science/Engineering, Healthcare, and Education;

3. Improve infrastructure (non-construction) to support training in the pathways;

4. Increase access to clear, well-aligned, stackable courses in the healthcare, computer/engineering, and educational segments;

5. Put into place a comprehensive data collection and outcome sharing system.

Allowable expenditures: The following information is intended to provide an advisory list of common, but not exhaustive, eligible project expenditures. * Additional or new staffing costs directly associated with the tasks aligned with the scope of work for the grant including salaries and benefits * Materials costs * Advertising and marketing costs * Non-student travel expenses directly associated with the tasks outlined in the scope of work. Limited to reimbursement rates used by the State of California, and limited to within the State of California. * Costs associated with events for the purpose of professional development or training * Training materials, software, curriculum * Activities of an academic or cultural nature, such as field trips, special lectures, and symposiums, that are aligned with the grant’s objectives * Food for participants of meetings necessary for pathway and/or Recovery with Equity implementation purposes.
Section 1
1. Project Applicant Organization Name
Enter your answer
2.Proposed Project Name
Enter your answer
3.Proposed Project Primary Contact First and Last Name
Enter your answer
4.Proposed Project Primary Contact Job Title
Enter your answer
5.Primary Contact Phone Number
Enter your answer
6.Primary Contact Email Address
Enter your answer
7.Secondary Contact First and Last Name
Enter your answer
8.Secondary Contact Job Title
Enter your answer
9.Secondary Contact Phone Number.
Enter your answer
10.Secondary Contact Email Address
Enter your answer
11.Proposed Project Description
Please enter at most 1000 characters
12.Which Pathway will your project focus on?
Computer Science/Engineering
More than one of the above
13.Please indicate which Recovery with Equity goal you intend to focus on in your project. Please select ONE.
Cultivate inclusive, engaging, and equity-oriented learning environment
Retain students through inclusive support
Provide high-tech, high-touch advising
Support college preparation and early credit
Improve college affordability
14.Please describe how you will address the selected Recovery with Equity goal, particularly focusing on the pathways of Computer Science/Engineering, Healthcare, and/or Education and on students from the Priority Student Population: At-risk and underrepresented, specifically socioeconomically disadvantaged students, and students from diverse racial and ethnic group populations.
Please enter at most 1500 characters
15.Please identify at least one expected project outcome.
Enter your answer
16.Please describe how you plan to achieve the project outcomes within the grant timeline.
Please enter at most 500 characters
17.Please describe how you plan to sustain the project and project outcomes beyond the grant period.
Enter your answer
18.Please provide the identity of at least one K-12, Postsecondary and/or Industry Partner
Enter your answer
19.Please provide the name and title of the primary contact for the above named Partner
Enter your answer
20.Please provide the email contact for the above named Partner
Please enter an email
21.Please provide the partner, names, titles and emails of additional partners:
Enter your answer
22.Please attach Partner letters of commitment Upload File.
Upload file
File number limit: 10Single file size limit: 10MBAllowed file types: Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, Image, Video, Audio
23.Please enter the amount of funds being requested. (Maximum of $300,000 per application).
The value must be a number
Section 2
24.Please attach the Project Budget Worksheet (excel file). Upload File.
25.Please attach the Project WorkPlan Worksheet (excel file). Upload File.


For Questions or to be directed to Technical Assistance:
Please contact Aqil Mosawi at or calling 209-588-5012


Make your mark: Ready to have an input on the Steering Council for Sierra K16?

We are looking for business community members in the industries.